Regan Graphic Design Process

Regan Graphic Design Process

My Effective Design Process Everything needs a process to run smoothly and efficiently. Graphic Design is no different than any other job that has many moving variables. My design process in a nutshell. (Depending on the project or depth of the assignment) Sketching...
Your Digital Marketing Resource

Your Digital Marketing Resource

What can I do for you? Who am I and what can I offer you? This is the main question you may be asking right now. And this is probably the question your prospects ask themselves when you show up in their email inbox and social media feeds if you are doing any...
Happy Birthday John Lennon

Happy Birthday John Lennon

imagine. Imagine if John Lennon was not murdered. Imagine how much more music he could have written and we could have heard. I remember that December evening vividly. I was still a student at #Kutztown. The news traveled pretty fast that night, and that was way before...
How do you measure success in your business marketing?

How do you measure success in your business marketing?

Are you trying to hit a certain number of sales? Are you looking for leads? Do you want phone calls or just need to increase your bottom line for your business? Depending on your specific goals and what you consider to be a success, your marketing can be defined only...

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