Are you ready for the new digital world?
Is your business ready for the “New Normal”? What is your business model for reaching your ideal clients digitally? Email marketing? Social media posts? Direct Mail?
I wasn’t ready for COVID. No one was. But I did have my website up and my social media posts running. If you haven’t visited my site before reading this, please visit and follow my posts! Did this pandemic give you any clues on how you can market your business through your website, social media, or texting?
Digitally speaking…many of my clients have learned the hard way that they need a digital presence in their world. Realtors need to contact buyers and sellers, but when you can’t meet in person, digital is the next best thing. They can show homes via Zoom, Google meet, or Cisco’s WebEx meeting app. Why jeopardize your health or anyone’s health when you can get an initial meeting through digital means.
In the COVID year 2020, home sellers and their real estate agents are able to provide prospective buyers with an interactive video online walkthrough view that’s more comprehensive than any photos that can be in a brochure. It’s fairly simple to create a virtual tour that won’t break your bank or budget. And it’s a great alternative to being there in person.
According to a Zillow report I looked at, 79% of home buyers shop begin their search online, and about one-third of the buyers say that the virtual tours or videos are very important to their home shopping process.
And why wouldn’t you want to dip your toe in the water safely by viewing a property online to rule some properties out and keep the ones you prefer on your maybe list.
Buying a home is one of the biggest investments you can make. If you are going to make that new home purchase, why not start online.
I have a new client that I am working with to develop their website.
Without saying their name, they are a corporate real estate company that did not have an online presence before this pandemic. All of their clients were one-on-one, in-person deals with on-site visits and walkthroughs. Now they will be able to showcase properties on their website and target their markets with email marketing proposals.
New Technology evolves and is released every day.
The ever-changing web technology landscape will also allow them to add chatbots, voice searching, and hopefully augmented virtual reality features in the near future.
And this is just for one client. Many other professionals can take advantage of these new advances to help them grow their business. Attorneys, construction companies, medical professionals, non-profits, and any business can use their websites to keep their digital presence going strong. The hard part is just doing it and to keep doing it. Continuously and repeatedly.
Are you ready for 2021? Will there be a COVID-20? Where will you be when the next pandemic hits the fan? The New Year is coming upon us. What’s your plan to stay in front of your ideal clients going forward? Send me a message or ask me a question at Mark@ReganGraphicDesign.com
Stay digital and stay healthy.