What can I do for you?
Who am I and what can I offer you? This is the main question you may be asking right now. And this is probably the question your prospects ask themselves when you show up in their email inbox and social media feeds if you are doing any marketing.
Let’s make this post about me to help you understand me a bit more. Then we’ll get to you.
What am I good at? It feels like I’m bragging when I describe what I’m good at, but unless we’ve worked together in the past, it could seem like I’m bragging. But I can prove it to you by showcasing my work and performance. I have been doing marketing advertising art before the computer was available.
Yes, I learned how to create advertising communication art using pencils, tracing paper, T-Squares, rubber cement, markers, pens, ink, brushes, Xacto knives, rubylith, film, acetate, cameras with real film that had to be developed with photo chemicals.
I graduated from Kutztown the year before the Apple Macintosh was released. I had the rare privilege of learning the new digital technology and having hands-on experience using the tools from the past technologies that are now obsolete. I learned the best of both worlds. And I still learn something new every day with the ever-changing digital technology we use today.
Coming up with creative content to get your business noticed is something I really enjoy. I’m effective at creating visuals that enhance your products, services, and business and I know you’ll get great results working with me. Yes, I’m a visual artist.
I strive to build and produce the best visual products to make your business stand out. Be it your logo, your entire brand, your social media, your website, brochures, corporate communications…I can make your brand a cohesive sales machine to enhance your business.
Now tell me what you’re good at. Give me a call and we can chat or grab a coffee or do a zoom call. Your choice. I can be called directly at 732.539.0865 or via email at Mark@ReganGraphicDesign.com
#graphics #webdesign #logos #creativecontent #socialMediaMark #ReganGraphicDesign