I hope your website is attracting many presidents’ faces on Dollar bills to your bank account.
Here are some things you may want to question about your current site.
- Does it look professional and convey that you are still in business?
- Do you have your own business domain name or one that’s memorable?
- Is your site secure?
- Does your company name appear in the content text?
- Is your contact info and phone number prominent, clickable, and easy to find on the page?
- Does your website tell visitors what you can do for them at a quick glance?
- Do you have testimonials from happy customers in their own words?
- Does your site speak to your visitors and their needs?
- Are you offering fresh content or is your site untouched since Hurricane Sandy?
- Are you using keywords and are you updating them?
- Are you maintaining and backing up your site to thwart hackers?
- Do you have internal links to your pages or links to other sites that can offer help for your visitors?
- Are you being social with links to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or your favorite social media platform?
I know you are busy doing the work that keeps your business moving, but if you neglect your website, you are neglecting your business.
Your website is an investment in your company. It is a marketing tool or at least it should be.
Don’t neglect your website and if you don’t have the time or desire to have a marketing smart website, give me a shout if you want some help or advice.
Here’s to attracting more Presidents your way through your marketing smart website!
#graphics #webdesign #logos #creativecontent #socialMediaMark #ReganGraphicDesign #marketingSmartWebsite #Eatontown #NJWebsites