We are still in the cold of winter here in New Jersey at Regan Graphic Design. Hopefully, spring is just around the corner and your website will be flourishing and growing with new leads and customer requests.
Protecting and promoting your website should be an ongoing project to grow your business in 2018. If you are unsure on what to do or tight on time to do it, you can reach out to Regan Graphic Design to set up a schedule to have it done for you and ease some of your job challenges.
Here are a few ideas to keep your website de-cluttered and free from hacking.
- Erase or delete any plugin that you are not using for your website. Those plugins will be around on the WordPress site if you want them back for future use if you decide you want to use them again, but for now, they won’t slow down or bloat your site.
- Delete and erase any unused themes. You should keep one default theme in case your activated theme breaks while you are attempting an update to your current theme. It will allow WordPress to have an option to reload the default theme, like Twenty Ten, depending on the issues that caused the break.
- Keep your plugins and theme updated. Yes, even your default theme that is there in case of emergency. Most sites get hacked because of outdated themes and plugins. Keep the hackers away from your site, by being diligent and on guard for their tricks. Don’t let them access your files by going through an outdated theme or plugin that sits on your site. The outdated files will still remain on your server even if you aren’t using them, and updates fix bugs and security issues that hackers take advantage of for their own sick reasons or weird pleasure. Update every 2 weeks or every time you get an update notice.
- Update WordPress. You should be getting notices when WordPress updates its core system. When you do, backup your site and update WordPress. RDG clients have this done automatically if they opt-in for our monthly site service plan.
- Do a Malware Scan. If you allow comments on your site, you may have unwanted malware lurking in the shadows. Selling sunglasses or other items you don’t want or need your customers and clientele to see. You can scan your site with a malware removal plugin or get a free scan at Sucuri.net. You can use them for malware removal if something is found or contact Mark@ReganGraphicDesign.com to help you with your site.
Hopefully, you won’t need to deal with a hacked site. If you follow these simple rules every two weeks, you should be clear of malware and virus infections from unscrupulous computer hackers.
Here’s to your healthy successful website for 2018.