What is good or bad in logo design?
I’m not discussing morally good or evil. (Totally different topic)
I’m writing about visually good or bad.
I research to discover what those who consider something “good” and what look makes it good to them.
It can be color, image, shape or size.
That is why I sketch out hundreds of logo designs and whittle down to try and perfect what I think will work best for my client and their business brand.
What’s “good” for someone may be “bad” for another and vice versa.
Is “good” only something that someone likes and “bad” if they dislike it?
Is “good” only something that sells your product or service?
I think good is something that makes someone happy and puts their best foot/corporate image forward.
For Logos, they should be created using the KISS principle: Keep It Simple Silly. (PG Version)
Your simple logo should be identified quickly and easily by your audience.
Your logo should be memorable and timeless. Many great logos stay the same after many years because they avoid trends and are complimentary to the company. They may have been tweaked over the years, but pretty much typically remain the same. Look at the original Apple logo or the Coke logo.

Your logo can be your brand, your identity, your personality and your desire. Your brand is what you send out to the marketplace; it defines your company and it should set the tone of what you do. It separates your company from your competition and provides you with a personality that is recognizable across the Web, in print and everywhere it can be seen.
Your business personality is the type that provides the best customer service, something that is rare in today’s business world, and to do honest business while providing unique products, service and information to your clients and members. It should reflect who you are as a company.
Your brand essence is the core of everything your company is about. In other words, it is the life force behind your identity. It should underscore how you speak to your clients, talk on the phone, or even talk to your co-workers. It should be the heart of how you get the job done.
What is your brand saying to your customers?
Send me an email and let me know what you think about how your logo speaks to your ideal clients.